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Lots of traffic without the sales?
Start driving true conversions with a customized website.

web development

While GreenBanana is primarily known for our SEO and conversion based digital marketing, few people know that our foundation was built on website design and development. Over the years we have been fortunate enough to engage with the likes of Hewlett Packard, SAP, Pitney Bowes, The Salvation Army, and even the United Nations.

Effective website design and successful digital marketing campaigns go hand in hand. Because of this we found it of utmost importance to not only keep web development in house, but also to evolve it.

Holistic Foundation is Key

Our website development projects begin by understanding the core objectives and business goals of each product or service offering. After an extensive interview each website engagement begins with well-thought-out strategic navigation map and/or wireframe.

To Build Custom or Not To Build Custom

Unlike most agencies, GreenBanana understands that not every business needs a fully custom website to look professional and well established. That is why we offer two types of website engagements. (1) Fully customized websites and (2) semi-customized template development.

With Fully Customized Sites our engagement begins not only with thorough wireframes and navigation maps but also a selection of well-executed visual concepts.

Template-based site engagements begin with our development team carefully selecting the best website template to match both your navigation mapping and business objectives. Think template development is right for you? Contact us today.

Let the Development Begin

After approvals on a finalized custom design or template design, we embark into actual implementation. Developing an efficient, responsive website that meets GreenBanana’s high standards and exceeds client expectations is our goal.



Say goodbye to cookie-cutter solutions that are long on promises and short on results. Say hello to GreenBanana.